Friday, January 30, 2009

January Numbers

I took a short break from blogging. To be honest, I have not stopped searching for ways to make money blogging, just trying a few different things. One was through trying Associated Content. This sort of a pay for blogging site that concentrates a little more on the news side of things. I'll have more on that in a later post.

I have been a little discouraged by the numbers (aka Money!) coming in via Adsense. I know it has only been a few months, and I always talk about persevering and setting goals, but it has been tough to keep motivated.

I guess I am at the point where all make money bloggers reach, and quit! However, I do not plan on quitting just yet. I made numerous posts through the first half of January to my various blog sites. However, my numbers consider to decline in terms of money with Google Adsense.

My hits have also declined a bit as well. Not sure why this may be happening, but I will get back in track and keep at it.

By the way, here is the money I made for January: $3.62

Down a bit from the $4.00 I made in December. I made tons more money on Associated Content. More on that later.

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